Saudi Arabia's $5B Border Security Development - Program Management Office (PMO)

  • As the leader of the Program Management Office (PMO) overseeing Saudi Arabia's $5B Border Security Development program, Kent Gring was responsible for managing the oversight of an international technology systems integrator.

  • The program involved complex international efforts, including organizational development, training, command and control systems, fiber optic infrastructure, and the construction of border patrol buildings. Ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of such a comprehensive program posed significant challenges.

  • Kent provided meticulous oversight of the comprehensive schedule, risks, issues, Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), and deliverable management. This involved implementing robust risk mitigation strategies, ensuring adherence to schedules, and conducting thorough IV&V processes to guarantee the quality and reliability of the delivered solutions.

  • The successful orchestration of these complex efforts resulted in the timely and efficient completion of the program’s objectives. The enhanced border security infrastructure significantly improved national security and demonstrated the effectiveness of the management strategies and international collaboration.

Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Knowledge Management System - Business Development Lead

  • As the Business Development Lead, Kent Gring responded to the Millennium Challenge Corporation's (MCC) need for a world-class Knowledge Management System (KMS) to support its unique approach to international development.

  • MCC required a bespoke knowledge management system that could handle its diverse and dynamic operational needs, maintaining its distinctiveness in the field of international development.

  • Kent developed a comprehensive Vision and Strategy for the KMS, conducted a demand and supply assessment of MCC's knowledge management requirements and assets, and performed a gap analysis. This led to the creation of a medium-term action plan and roadmap that addressed immediate needs and laid the foundation for future development.

  • The proposed KMS solution was highly collaborative and integrated, ensuring MCC could effectively manage and leverage its knowledge assets. This initiative not only addressed MCC's current needs but also positioned the organization to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving international development landscape.


International Development & Emerging Markets


Leadership & Business Transformation