Deloitte Project Management Hard Drive - Knowledge Management Lead

  • As the Knowledge Management Lead for the Deloitte Technology initiative, Kent Gring led a team of 8 virtual Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs) to enhance the quantity and quality of the firm's knowledge assets.

  • The challenge was to improve the firm's knowledge management practices by increasing the quantity and quality of project artifacts available on the firm's knowledge management system, thereby enhancing the overall intellectual capital.

  • Kent identified, collected, curated, and published over 200 project artifacts onto the firm's knowledge management system, utilizing SharePoint. Additionally, he partnered with technology leaders, coaching them on the acquisition process and the benefits of a robust knowledge management system. This continuous engagement fostered a culture of active contribution and utilization of the knowledge repository.

  • The initiative significantly improved the knowledge management practices at Deloitte, enhancing the firm's intellectual capital and positioning it as a leader in effective knowledge management. The continuous review and improvement of technical documentation ensured the firm's practices remained at the cutting edge of industry standards.

DASA-DEC Knowledge Management Assessment - Knowledge Assessment Lead

  • As the Knowledge Assessment Lead for the Defense Exports and Cooperation office within the U.S. Army, Kent Gring led a comprehensive knowledge management and document management assessment across 17 Army acquisition commands.

  • The objective was to evaluate and enhance the security assistance case/contract management processes across the commands, addressing the current capabilities and proposing improvements.

  • Kent developed high-level functional and technical requirements for a knowledge management solution tailored to the unique needs of the Army acquisition commands. This included a meticulous analysis of existing workflows and collaboration processes. Based on the assessment, he proposed a roadmap for increased knowledge management capabilities, utilizing tools such as the Oracle Collaboration Suite.

  • The assessment identified areas for improvement and innovation, leading to the development of a strategic roadmap that enhanced the knowledge management practices across the commands. This initiative significantly improved information flow and collaboration, contributing to the overall effectiveness of security assistance operations.


Operational Excellence & Innovation